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I'm Katie, I've seen a lot of other people blogging and its helping them get healthier both physically and mentally. So here goes :) Hope you like it.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Fair Time!

I'm feeling so much better about everything in my life! Yesterday I went to the fair with Steven and his dad, and it was awesome. So much fun, he even won a $23 plush snake for Lecie. I was so proud of myself though, I had so much opportunity to eat incredible amounts of bad stuff, and I only indulged a little. So worth it though. I do wish I would've had the mini donuts though they are amazing!  Things are actually good. I fit into some of my old jeans. Which ROCKS! I found a halloween costume for Lecie and things are just good. Maybe it will stay good and I will continue to have good luck. We will see. I have a meeting with CNM on Friday for special services so we will see.

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