About Me

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I'm Katie, I've seen a lot of other people blogging and its helping them get healthier both physically and mentally. So here goes :) Hope you like it.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

check in time :)

Even though this month was a whole month of fail :( 

I still am forcing myself to check in and take pictures. I think thats something i haven't done in the past and I will continue to do so while i get my eating in order :) 

So go for still having some lost inches left :)

Starting Weight-270lbsCurrent Weight-247

Measurements(to be done once a month)NEXT- 11-20-2011
Waist- 41inches from 44.5 inches
Hips-48.5 inches  from 50 inches
Thigh-24 inches  from 27 inches
Upper Arm-15inches from 15 inches
Neck-15 inches  from 16 inches
Calf-17 inches from 17 inches
Bust-50 inches from  50 inches

Under bust-41 inches from 41 inches
Weight in at 250- Complete!

Weight in at 240- In Progress
Weigh in at 232- Not Complete
Weigh in at 220- Not Complete
Weigh in at 180- Not Complete
Weigh in at 160- Not Complete
Weigh in at 140
- Not Complete
Be Happy With my Body 
- Not Complete

&&& Pictures

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Party on the wagon?

After thanksgiving, I gotta do right by myself. I'm gonna come out and say it and say I've been self destructive. I let everything fall apart, because I got infatuated with the idea of something. I really want to be healthy, and maybe that is what I will be thankful for this year. Being healthy and having a beautiful baby to be able to share my life with. Things can't keep getting worse. There is only up from here.

Does anyone have any tips for staying on and not falling so far again? This happens every time something changes in my life. and it sucks!

Friday, November 11, 2011

I fell off.

Wow, its been a hell of a week. Got into a few HUGE fights with my family. Gained a few pounds and just generally SUCKED at everything.

Today is a new day, packed with fun and exciting things. We will see how this turns out. I wanna try to do this again. I wanna be healthy!

Lets go!


Ok the end.